Month: May 2022
Westminster’s “robber baron” energy strategy will hurt Scots
The UK Government’s energy strategy involves taking Scotland’s national energy assets on terms that are detrimental to Scotland’s economy. The document claims it “will work with the Scottish government” – but in reality, it did not even consult with the Scottish Government or inform ministers before publishing it. The UK Government makes the assumption […] Source
Massive structural investment needed to turn Aberdeen into a renewables hub
For Aberdeen to become a global hub for renewable energy would take a £17 billion investment – and the money needs to start coming in now. A new report from Robert Gordon’s University Energy Transition Institute, the ‘Making the Switch’ review says that “urgent capital investment” is essential and urgent – without it the […] Source
Post Office: Queen’s Jubilee strike planned in pay row
Oil and gas firms ‘really worried’ about windfall tax, says energy executive
The English dreaming of Peter Hitchens
Peter Hitchens, the conservative contrarian who hates to be called a contrarian, has decided that Brexit isn’t enough to restore greatness to England as it still leaves England encumbered with Scotland and Wales, countries which he appears to see as lesser nations which sap the glory that rightfully belongs to England…
Scotland’s 10 billionaires see combined wealth grow as cost-of-living crisis worsens
The elephant and the bin bag
In an earlier piece this week I remarked that the current behaviour of Satan’s little helpers the DUP, following their historic defeat in the recent Northern Irish Assembly elections demonstrated the fundamentally undemocratic nature of British nationalism in both Scotland and Northern Ireland. British nationalism is a dogma which disguises itself…
Old chestnuts from the New Statesman

The New Statesman is as Unionist as any publication in Britain despite its left-wing image. That stance is evident in articles about both Scotland and Northern Ireland. A recent issue saw the nightmarish prospect of nuclear attack by Russia in terms of the UK”s constitutional question. It argued that Scots would…