Some Good News for Gaelic

More on the #ScottishCensus2022. Some good news for Gaelic. The census shows us that: 2.5% of people aged 3+ had some skills in Gaelic in 2022. This is an increase of 43,100 since 2011. The percentage of 3 to 15 year olds with Gaelic skills doubled from 1.3% to 2.9%. The census also revealed that […] Source

Pluralist not Secular

The latest Scottish Census results showed for the first time a majority of people registering as having ‘no religion’. David Mackenzie explores the language we use to describe this state. I have previous on this one as a secondary school teacher and a local authority education adviser. In the early nineties the then Secretary of […] Source

Going through the motions

Rishi Sunak gave a landmark speech on Monday. That’s landmark in the sense of an abandoned ruin by the side of the road to nowhere. The Prime Minister was attempting yet another relaunch, but he was really swimming in the sea offshore from an English beach – just going through the…