A British Underworld: Ex-Soldiers Embedded in a Network of Child Abuse and Murder

This article contains extremely disturbing details. The claims made in this piece have already been published prominently in the public domain. These details have been confirmed by police and/or in court. Furthermore, all of the individuals named as perpetrators of abuse in this piece have been convicted of sexual offences. Beneath the surface of British […] Source

Musk, Mars and Ur-Fascism

American society throws up niche subcultures all over the place. There’s a small group of people that specialise in making cakes that look like everyday objects, and from such a group has spawned the tv show ‘Is it Cake?’ where contestants compete to create cakes that replicate common objects in an effort to trick celebrity judges. The […] Source

Turning things around for the SNP

There’s good news and not so good news from recent opinion polling. The good news is that the SNP should easily remain the largest party in Holyrood by quite some margin on current showing, while support for Labour in Scotland is in freefall, the not so good news is that the…

The Lynx Effect

The second week of January was notable in the Highlands for a good amount of snow, back-to-back weather warnings and the illegal release of four lynx cats. Lynx have been extinct in Scotland for hundreds of years – sadly, it turns out the recaptured lynx were starving and one has since died. Evidently, some rogue […] Source

The Old World of British Boosterism and Banality

Two different moments at either end of the country speak of the banality of British politics. Yesterday Keir Starmer made a bold statement of intent about AI, unveiling a wide-ranging action plan to boost the country’s role in developing and deploying artificial intelligence. The 50 recommendations from the report, written by the tech investor Matt Clifford, have […] Source