No jam tomorrow for Grangemouth with Labour

We have become so used to the lies and betrayals of the Labour party that a term for them has entered the language, ‘jam tomorrow’. The term was first used in the Lewis Caroll novel Alice Through the Looking-Glass, published in 1871, but by the latter half of the 20th century…

Big Flame and Scottish & Welsh Republican Socialists 1979-1982

Davy Marzella reviews lessons from Big Flame, a libertarian socialist organisation in England in the 1970-mid 80’s and the questions it still raises about the relationship between socialist struggle, republicanism and nationalism. As he argues “It was a very short historical episode, but one that held some unfulfilled potential.”  Big Flame Building Movements, New Politics […] Source

Starmer’s moral cowardice on Gaza

You could be forgiven for forgetting that Keir Starmer used to be a human rights lawyer, after all, Keir Starmer seems to have forgotten too. The world was in shock on Wednesday morning after Donald Trump announced that he had unilaterally torn up the two state solution to the Israel-Palestine problem…

John Swinney ate my cat

The British nationalist media is really scraping the bottom of the SNPbad scare story barrel now that it’s looking as though Anas Sarwar’s tenure as Saviour of the Union has been more short lived than most, with the implosion of support for Labour in Scotland. Labour’s chances of forming the next…

Palestine Action Scotland target Biffa Limited in Glasgow and Edinburgh

As Scottish Conservative leader Russell Findlay attempts to emulate his ridiculous predecessor with a sick joke: “Was thinking of buying this from @ThalesUK but it’s not LEZ compliant …” others were busy elsewhere. A few nights ago, activists from Palestine Action Scotland targeted the Glasgow and Edinburgh premises of Biffa Limited. They smashed windows, spray painted […] Source